Pink Diamond Rings

There is nothing more special than a ring that features pink diamonds. Designing one of Australia’s most treasured gifts from the Argyle Diamond Mine can take your ring design to a totally unique and luxurious level. We hold one of the largest collections of pink diamonds for ring in Brisbane and would love to assist you with your pink diamond discovery.


Pink Diamond Engagement Rings

A dress ring or engagement ring that features a pink diamond from the Argyle diamond mine is the definition of ultimate rarity. Pink Diamonds are surely the most beautiful and treasured of the all the coloured diamonds and are even more special because the world best pink diamonds are unique to Australia. Designing a ring that features a centrepiece pink diamond has no rules to what you choose and is completely up to your budget and desired quality. Depending on the purpose, the selected pink diamond can be an investment for resale, an heirloom or just to keep and enjoy purely for yourself. Larger size pink diamonds are very expensive but depending on the size, colour, clarity, shape, origin and certification the price can vary significantly. To ensure that you choose the correct diamond for you, we recommend viewing our selection and then booking an indepth consultation with one of our pink diamond experts to assist with your final selection.

Premium Pink Diamond Certificates

Diamond Rings Featuring a Pair of Pink Diamonds

One of the most affordable and visually appealing pink diamond ring designs is to add a pair of Argyle pink diamonds as the side feature of a trilogy ring. A trilogy pink diamond engagement or dress ring allows the design to still hold a significantly large centre stone that is enhanced by the pink diamond pair. By spliting the value of the pink diamond into two smaller stones helps to reduce the price while increasing the visual appearance of the pink diamonds in the ring. We stock a large selection of pink diamond matched pairs from the Argyle diamond mine and from around the world to select for your ring.

Premium Pink Diamond Certificates

Pink Diamond Halo Engagement Ring

A halo of pink diamonds around your engagement ring is an absolutely stunning feature that brings a touch of colour and a piece of Australia to your ring. Adorning a central pink or white diamond with a halo of petite pink diamonds from light pink to vivid can transform the aura of the entire design. A halo only requires quite petite pink diamond from 1-2mm each and there are many grades available but supplies of larg pink diamond set are diminishing. Search our range of petite pink diamond sets or book an appointment at our Brisbane studio to purchase your pink diamond halo ring.

Purity of Premium Pink Diamonds

Rings set with Pink Diamonds in the Band

Possibly the most affordable way to add a pink diamond feature to your ring is to set small pink diamonds into the band or at the base of the main setting. A ring with a diamond set band can be all pink, alternating pink and white or even just a single pink within a row of white diamonds. Small pink diamonds can also be visibility enhanced by clustering them together or setting them within a rose gold claw or bezel to emphasise their size and colour.

Browse our Brisbane pink diamond inventory online or Book an appointment in our Cleveland pink diamond studio.